We live in times not long ago unimaginable in terms of challenges for each and every one of us as individuals, for our societies and institutions. We are experiencing the first global pandemic unfolding in the 24/7news cycle and taking its toll, in real time, on our daily lives, our financial security and the global...
First ambulance for the transport of coronavirus patients: Deltamed ambulance sets world record
CLUJ, Romania–Deltamed, a company from Gilau, Cluj county, Romania, has built one of the safest vehicles for transporting patients with highly contagious diseases; beside the powerful HEPA filters system, negative pressure is continuously produced inside the ambulance, preventing the airborne pathogens exiting the vehicle, which sets the world record for being the World’s First ambulance for...
Avioane Craiova va moderniza 10 aeronave IAR 99 Șoim pentru viitorii piloți de F16
Fabrica de Avioane Craiova va moderniza 10 aeronave IAR 99 Şoim pe care se vor antrena viitorii piloţi de F16. Premierul, ministrul Apărării, cel al Economiei și reprezentanţi ai Armatei au vizitat, vineri, fabrica din Bănie şi au discutat despre noul program care va fi finanţat de statul român, scrie Mediafax. Premierului Ludovic Orban a...
Romanian MoND Procurement Prioritized Acquisition Plans
Programe prioritare cu contracte de achiziție în derulare: Transportor blindat pentru trupe 8×8 (TBT) PIRANHA V Sistem de rachete sol-aer cu bătaie mare – HSAM Sistem Lansator Multiplu de Rachete cu bătaie mare – HIMARS Programe prioritare în pregătire: Modernizarea Mașinii de luptă a Infanteriei MLI-84M Sisteme C4I cu capabilități de integrare ISTAR Sistem integrat...
Bucarest n’en finit pas d’adapter son aviation militaire aux normes de l’OTAN. Les ministères roumains et portugais de la défense viennent de tomber d’accord sur la revente de cinq avions de combat General Dynamics F-16MLU Fighting Falcon. Quatre sont des monoplaces et le cinquième est un biplace. Le contrat s’élève à 130 millions d’euros. Il était dans les...
BAE Systems to acquire Collins’ military GPS and Raytheon’s airborne tactical radios businesses
BAE Systems officials called the acquisitions “unique opportunities” to grow its military radio and GPS businesses. BAE Systems announced Jan. 20 it intends to buy Collins Aerospace’s military Global Positioning System for $1.9 billion and Raytheon’s Airborne Tactical Radios division for $275 million. These two businesses are being sold in order to clear the antitrust...
BAE Systems Announces Proposed Acquisition of Collins Aerospace’s Military Global Positioning System Business and Raytheon’s Airborne Tactical Radios Business
BAE Systems, Inc. announced today it has reached definitive agreements for the proposed acquisitions of Collins Aerospace’s military Global Positioning System (GPS) business and Raytheon’s Airborne Tactical Radios (ATR) business. These two high-performing businesses are being sold in connection with obtaining the required antitrust clearances for the previously announced pending merger between Raytheon and United...
Lockheed Martin interested in additional projects in Romania – govt
BUCHAREST (Romania), January 15 (SeeNews) – US-based security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin is interested in the further development of military equipment production and maintenance projects in Romania, as well as artificial intelligence-focused research, the Romanian authorities said. The company is considering the development of additional equipment production and maintenance projects involving Romania, the defence ministry said...
Iveco Defence Vehicles to supply the Romanian Armed Forces with 942 trucks, first batch of a frame contract worth 2,900 vehicles
Iveco Defence Vehicles, a subsidiary of CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI/MI: CNHI), announces that on December 30, 2019 a first order of a frame agreement including more than 2,900 high mobility trucks has been signed with the Romanian Ministry of National Defence. These first 942 vehicles will be delivered throughout four years, starting from 2020....