
Home / Logistics

Assistance and Services

The official on-site freight forwarder for ASDA 2025 is:

Franje Lučića 32
HR-10090 Zagreb – CROATIA

The contacts within SCHENKER d.o.o is:

Mr. Boris Rupčić – Team Leader FESL Zagreb

E-mail: boris.rupcic@dbschenker.com

Mobile: +385 91 2415 489


Ms. Dana Luca – Brands Manager of FESL Romania

E-mail: dana.luca@dbschenker.com

Mobile: + 40 737 550 562

To shape global transport and the exchange of goods, we are committed to finding new, innovative, and sustainable ways for you and your supply chain management. Our mission is to offer value-added services that keep you competitive and your supply chain lean. We’re fascinated by integrated logistics and global trade in all its facets – serving numerous key industries with innovative and sustainable solutions.

For companies sending freight from the U.S.A., the logistics partner is TWI Global:

TWI Global
4480 S. Pecos Road
Las Vegas, NV 89121, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 702 691 9000 / Fax: +1 702 691 9045

The contact person within TWI Global is:
Tyler Hunt – Event Coordinator
E-mail: thunt@twigroup.com
Direct Phone Number: +1 702 691 9091

TWI Group Inc. is a specialist in international trade show logistics. TWI’s headquarters are in Las Vegas, Nevada and with additional service centers located in the Silicon Valley, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Toronto. While serving the industry for 36 years, the hallmark of TWI’s Total Service is the personal attention including on-site support at major show sites. Organizations ranging from Fortune 500 giants to the newest start-ups rely on TWI Group Inc. and its worldwide network of logistics specialists to provide Total Service.